Operating since 1963, it is a supranational financial institution, a regional multilateral development institution.
Eight member countries: Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Mongolia,
Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Poland, Russian Federation, Romania,
Slovak Republic and Czech Republic.
IBEC promotes the development of clients' foreign trade and provides
cash management services aimed at strengthening
synergies at regional and country level, supports
innovative, green and socially responsible projects, providing
sustainable and inclusive growth of the economies of the member countries of the Bank.
Diverse trade finance instruments (support
import and export), including:
- letters of credit
- guarantees / counter-guarantees / standby letters of credit
- reimbursement obligations
- trade credits, including pre-export and post-import
- syndicated loans
- export-import operations with ECA, etc.
The bank provides services for opening and maintaining accounts.
OUTSIDE EU SANCTIONS: Restrictive measures in connection with the actions of the Russian Federation,
established by the EU Council Regulation of July 31, 2014 No. 833/2014, on
financial transactions carried out by IBEC on the territory of Russia and abroad,
do not apply.